Thursday 25 July 2019


                             TADOBA - LAND OF TIGERS

                  Today i am going to take you , to the land of tigers ie. Tadoba national park in Chandrapur ,Nagpur. In this tiger reserve there are two zones known as buffer zone and core zone. We have to do online booking these safari . It includes your gate fee and car fee. Once You have done your booking you are all set to do the safari . We book total of 4 safari , 2 safari from moharli  gate and 2 from kolara gate. One in morning and one in evening. Booking online safari is first priority as it gets booked very fast in season. Also book your hotels as close to the gates. So tha you can reach early to the gate.
DAY : 1
                   We family of 3, took flight from Mumbai to Nagpur  which takes approx 1:30 hr. After reaching Nagpur we hired a taxi (swift dz) cost us around 3000rs for 150 km to reach moharli gate were we had booked our hotel. In between we had breakfast at vittal kamat restaurant. We reached our hotel at moharli gate around 1pm. Our hotel name was Waghai home stay its just 300m from moharli gate. After reaching our home stay , we had lunch which was really very good say as good as home. Hot and well servered. If you are a non-vegetrian , then this would exite you. If you give order in advance for preparing there special dish which is well know as KADAKNATH Chicken , they will serve you as you want. We ordered during our lunch time they gave us during our dinner time. So we had our dinner and went to bed early, because we had to go for a safari early morning .

DAY: 2
                  The day we have been waiting for has finally arrived. Its 6:00am in the morning and we are in the jeep outside the gate in extremly cold climate as we visited in the month of jan. Before entering the gate we have to show our booking and pay some nominal fees for your cameras if your lens is more then 200mm. Finally the gate opens up exactly at 6:30am and we enter into tigers land. After entering the gate , nearly for 5km to enter the Core zone the road is been made. After this 5km , the core zone starts. As we entered the core zone , first point we stoped was near the tadoba lake . After few min guess what , we saw what we came here to see the tigerrrrs. The cubs of Tigeres maya were playing and practice there fighting skills. We watched the for nearly 40mins. then we went further. After few min we saw father of these two cubs name T54 also well known as MATKASUR. The Name Matkasur well defines him, the size and his walk . i will share my pics belows . Then after he went into deep forest , we proceeded towards our breakfast time. We took Some Breakfast with us, as our homestay provided us on our request in a close container. After breakfast we Again started our safari but there was nothing too see other the deers and monkeys. Around 11am we finished our safari and came to our homestay with a smile on our face.

                                                               1: Cubs Of Maya

                                                                    2: Fish Tale Bird

                                                              3: MATKASUR (T54)

                                                             4: MATKASUR (T54)

                                                                5: MATKASUR (T54)

                                                                 6: MATKASUR (T54)

                                                           7: Crocodile In Tadoba Lake

                                                                      8: Spotted Deer 

                Now after lunch on the same day we were ready for our afternoon safari by moharli gate. Again the same process to enter the gate. The gate for afternoon safari opens up sharp at 2pm and closes by 6pm. We started our safari around 2pm sharp after travelling in jeep for an hr we finally saw a animal which was totally unexpected , it was a black bear. it just ran away quickly into deep forest as soon as he saw our jeep. We waited our few min expecting hime to come out, but he didnt. Then we moved on with our safari , but not much too see. We just saw sambar , spotted deer , wild dog, mongoose, a Indian roller bird and few langoors. And we finished our afternoon safari around 5:45pm. We arrived at our homestay and got freshen up . Today in dinner it was something special , yes you guessed it rite Kadaknath chicken. It was just made superbly . and served with hot chapati and hot rice. we enjoyed a lot.   

                                                                    9: Mongoose

                                                                    10: Spotted Deer

                                                                11: Indian Roller

                                                                    12: Sambar

                                                                13 : Langoor

                                                                    14: Peacock

                                                                       15: Palican

                                                                       16: Wild dog

DAY: 3
                       We took our bags and took a taxi to our next destination that was Kolara gate.  We had our hotel booked before we came her . It was again a home stay which was just next to the Kolara gate. Our home stay namely Tiger trail resort. Our taxi took nearly 2000rs for moharli gate to kolara gate journey which was around 70kms. We reached here around 1pm. We got freshed and had lunch . After having lunch we took our first safari from kolara gate . Again the same process which we followed at moharli gate. The safari started sharp at 2pm. As we entered through this gate with our jeep , we were told by our guide that they have seen tigers daily from this gate. we were excited and our eyes were just scanning each bit of the forest. After nearly half hour we just spotted a wild boar, spotted deer , Indian Bison and few langoors.  And that was it , just these few animals. Then we finished our safari around 5:30pm and got back to our resort. The rooms were spacious and clean. it had a small gallery outside to sit and relax. We had our dinner early which again like homely cooked and served hot. And the day ended , we had a good sleep . We slept early because next day it was our morning safari.

DAY : 4
                        We got up early around 5am ,and got ready for our morning safari. As we ordered for packed breakfast , they made hot parathas for us. And we were all set with our jeep near the gate. As the gates opened we were the first to enter the gate  . After just half hour our luck was back again to spot the tiger. We saw a very well known and famous Tigress MAYA sitting on the road. She was in a mood to hunt. In front of her was Indian Bison. We patiently waited with her for an hour. But she was unsuccessful   .  The Indian Bison was the winner , the Bison ran behind her to make her  ran away . After seeing Maya we took our jeep for a halting area were we had our breakfast and started our safari again with and excitement . Again it was Tigress Maya who we actually followed nearly 1 1/2hr. and guess what she was really close to our jeep , i mean really close from a touching distance. Then we concluded our journey by seein wild boar, eagle, and deers. And it was a end of our safari. We the came to our resort and got freshen up . Around 1 Pm we had our lunch and took rest. It was all for Kolara gate.

                                                                   17: Indian Bison

                                                                       18: langoors

                                                                 19: Tigress Maya

                                                                         20: Sambar

                                                                      21: Tigress Maya

                                                                    22: Wild Boar

                                                                         23: Eagle

DAY: 5
                We left our resort and took a taxi to reach nagpur airport. Taxi took 2500rs from kolara gate to nagpur airport. It was total 120km , took 2hr 30min to reach . And took our flight in time and headed back to Mumbai.


Best Time to Visit Tadoba National Park

Summer : The summer starts in March and ends by May. April and May are the hottest months in the park. Dehydration chances are higher. The skies will be clear. This is the best time to spot animals with their cubs near the lake. 
Winter : The winter starts in October and ends by February. The winter has pleasant climate and rich flora. Spotting small and large mammals are easier during this season. The migration birds can be spotted during this season.
Rainy : The park is closed for the rainy season. The rainy season starts by July and ends by September. The park receives heavy rainfall and the terrain becomes slippery. This causes hindrance for any vehicle to enter into the park. Spotting animals become rare during this season.

Note: 1: Carry warm cloths if you are coming here in winter. 
            2: Idea and Reliance network is strong for mobiles.
            3: Advance booking of safari and hotels.
Taxis :
        Nagpur airport to moharli gate : Distance:  150km : 3000rs.
        Moharli gate to Kolara gate     : Distance:  70km  : 2000rs.
        Kolara gate to nagpur airport   : Distance:  120km : 2500rs.
        Waghai Home Stay (2 nights) = 2000rs , extra bed 500/- ,nonveg food: 600/- ,                                                         vegfood: 500/- (breakfast,lunch,dinner).
        Tigers Trail Resort  (2 nights) = 3000rs, food as per order.

Tiger safari and jeepwith guide charges : (for full jeep)
Tiger safari booking charges = 1250 per trip.
Jeep and guide charges       = 2550 per trip.

If you have any questions please ask me in the comment box. i will get back to you ASAP.

1 comment:

  1. Tadoba National Park look awesome with its natural beauty. Regards
    Dhruvi Parmar
